Gouden ring met 2 halve manen gecentreerd met de rug naar elkaar toe. Op de diagonaal lijn zijn manen getekend van klein naar groot

Human Design

Change is scary, be prepaird with knowledge

Get to know your design




Discover the basics of you design.

Learn how to use you energy, how to attract opportunities, make the right choises.






Dig deeper into your design and learn how to best absorb information.

Learn how your energy is distributed, what talets you posses and what your purpose is in life.



Do you already have basic knowledge and would you like to know more? Do you have specific questions about your design?

In this reading you will the given the space to ask all these questions

Human Design Chart

What is Human Design?

Based on Human Design I give you direction in your life. With these Readings you will gain insight and clear tools to discover the life that suits you.

With Human Design I give you more insight into your unique qualities and energy levels. The insights you gain give you the opportunity to respond more consciously, attract opportunities and make decisions that really suit you. It gives you all the tools to live your ideal life.

Human Design has many layers, each giving a deeper meaning about yourself. Each layer gives you the freedom and permission to be completely yourself. With this knowledge I help you design the life that belongs to you.

Based on your date, time and place of birth, a Design is generated in which all this information can be found. With the help of this card, I will help you understand yourself better and give you insight into your own nature. Human Design encourages you to embrace your own unique self and share it with the world. It is an invitation to follow your path and create your own happiness.

By experimenting with the principles of Human Design, you will gain more clarity about your talents and how you can use them to have a positive impact on the world around you. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-expression that will help you find and embrace your unique place in the world.

Everyone works in a different way and it's time to find your way!

Basic Reading Human Design

In this reading you will discover the basic components and what they mean for you:

 ✓  Energytype 

 ✓  Strategie

 ✓  Autority

 ✓  Not-self Theme

 ✓  Signal

After this reading you will know how to best use your energy, how you can attract the most opportunities, how to make choices that suit you and how to notice that you are on the right path.

You will also receive a personal card with everything we discussed in the reading so that you can get started right away.

After this reading you may still be full of questions about integrating Human Design into your daily life. That is why I would like to offer you a free follow-up reading of 30 minutes 4 weeks later. During this no-obligation online session you will have the opportunity to ask more questions about your personal design.

This reading contains:

✦ 60 minute session on location in Roelofarendsveen

✦ Personal and practical information

✦ The basic components are discussed so that you can use them in daily life

✦ Personal card with your information sent by email

✦ Free online follow-up reading after 4 weeks

✦ Price: €150 (including VAT)

Human Design Chart

Follow-up Reading Human Design

We will dive deeper into your design with the following components:

✓ Profile

✓ Energy centers

✓ Talents

✓ Channels

✓ Incarnation cross

After this reading you will know how you learn best, how your energy is distributed, what unique talents you possess and what your purpose in this life is.

Of course, with this reading you will also receive a personal card with everything we discussed so that you can get started right away.

After this reading you may still be full of questions about integrating Human Design into your daily life. That is why I would like to offer you a free follow-up reading of 30 minutes 4 weeks later. During this no-obligation online session you will have the opportunity to ask more questions about your personal design.

This reading contains:

✦ 90 minute session on location in Roelofarendsveen

✦ Personal and practical information

✦ The follow-up parts are discussed so that you get to know yourself on a deeper level

✦ Personal card with your information sent by email

✦ Free online follow-up reading after 4 weeks

✦ Price: €250 (including VAT)

Open Reading Human Design

In this reading you can ask all your questions about your personal Design:

✓ Energy type

✓ Authority

✓ Strategy

✓ Profile

✓ Energy centers

✓ Talents & channels

Amber de Jong met klant tijdens Human Design reading

After this reading you will have a better understanding of your personal Design. All questions can be asked and you will learn more about your Design in an accessible way.

This reading contains:

✦ 45 minute session on location in Roelofarendsveen

✦ Personal and practical information

✦ All your questions will be answered

✦ Price: €97 (including VAT)